Welcome on my book page. How I love to write! Such enthusiasm was not to be found in my ‘younger years’. Back then, I worked within organizations and was expected to write extensive to inform colleagues or make hug text for reports. As far as I was concerned it could be a bit more concise and that’s just what I did. I have been reprimanded many times! Nowadays I am writing lots. And much is also erased. But in the end the urge to inspire is so intense that I passionately turn words into sentences and sentences into a story. I hope you are curious!

The Inner Orchestra

Would you like to get up in the morning full of joy, with enthousiasm for the new day? Do you want to be happy at the end of the day? Satisfied with what you leave behind?

From my personal experiences I wrote this e-book for you. In it you will find which steps to take, which exercises help to stay true to yourself and how to conduct a clear and beautiful inner symphony.



‘Comprehensive and clearly written. I will continue to work on this.

Just read your ebook and I love the Orchestra image and the way you deconstruct the process and show a deeper but still practical way to more conscious fulfillment.
“We are never done and at the same time everything is already there. We live to remember who we truly are: all loving Potential. With a willingness to live out our own unique set of qualities, that’s how we make a difference!”
May your work be blessing for many people!’

New e-book! Unashamed and Free

In this e-book you will find several real life short stories and examples from my practice about living bold and free. How you can actually choose a life that suits you. That you are allowed to walk `out of step` and that you are entitled to your emotions. Enjoy these stories and be inspired to finally take that next step!

‘Nice book, I think it will appeal to many people. Light, pleasant and you tell something that touches deep, without it feeling heavy or having to think deeply about it … ‘

‘Good story! Very recognisable pieces, as if they were about me. The Spanish gentleman with the apple is also very funny! ‘

‘How nice you write, I read your stories in one go, wonderful.’


Magic & Miracles

Nr.1 New Releases op Amazon!

Whether you’re curious or seeking inspiration in a moment of deep emotional distress, your willingness to open your mind may be the catalyst for cracking your world wide open, showing you the Guidance that has been there all along.

Therefore I’m very grateful and happy that my own personal story is part of the book Magic & Miracles, in which Dr. Andrea Pennington presents 21 real life stories of people from various backgrounds and cultures who have found unseen forces supporting, guiding and healing them in their darkest hours.

Please order your copy of the book here on Amazon >>

Life After Trauma

Many people, who suffer while going through hard times, often feel like giving up on life. There can be an overwhelming feeling that they have been selected as a victim and that life is totally against them.

But the world is not against you. The truth is that the universe is a friendlier place than it seems, filled with positivity and balance.

This collection of real life stories, all reveal the power of the human spirit to not only survive challenges, but to thrive. You will find renewed faith in yourself and your connection to unseen, loving forces that want the best for you.

Our authors explore topics like:

  • Recovering from the loss of a loved one to suicide
  • Overcoming labels and bullying
  • The deep soul connection between people that can save a life
  • Moving on from toxic relationships
  • Healing from physical illness

Get your copy here on Amazon >>

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