Woman Magazine (Telegraaf)
April 4, 2020
In the article me and 2 other women, share what sex life can be like for a bachelor. I talk freely about my love life and what it’s bringing me.

Psychology Magazine
No. 6 – 2020
In `Sexfile 3.0` both couples and singles talk about their sex lives. A plea for being unashamed and free ‘between the sheets’. There are no rules about where, with whom or how often you ‘do it’. As long as it fits you…

NRC Magazine
edition October 5, 2018
In this interview about pain after childbirth, I mainly talk about how important it is to indicate that something is wrong, physically. Even (or especially) when the doctor says `you simply have to live with it`. How do you ensure that you are heard and not continue for 25 years (as I have) with pain that is not supposed to be there? Read the article in the NRC here >>

Woman Magazine (Telegraaf)
Woman magazine edition July 27, 2018
In this interview I tell about a serious accident I had while on vacation in Bali. I fell from great height and broke my back. It was a life-changing event, that I wrote about in the book “Magic and Miracles’. You can read this article in Woman Magazine here >>

RTL News
Weekend magazine edition June 8 2018
RTL news asked me to contribute to this article about consulting a Medium. I have been coached by a medium for 20 years, read more about it in this Dutch article >>
Interview Magic & Miracles
YouTube 20 november 2018
You can now order the book on Amazon. A lot of wonderful sharing was poured through the timeline when the marketing campagne started. As one of the authors I’m being interviewed by dr. Andrea Pennington, the founder of this book who brought all of our stories together. In this interview she dives into my heart and mind. After a fall while in Bali, which broke my back in 8 places, I sought spiritual insights. The messages channeled for me were incredibly profound!
Interview Life After Trauma
YouTube 1 januari 2019
This #AskTheAuthor interview for the book “Life After Trauma” dives into my heart and mind. In this interview I tell about how I endured repeated abuse in my childhood that made me feel that my worth was tied to a man’s desire for my body. So I decided to turn the tables and ‘call the shots’ by becoming a prostitute. But my time working in a brothel was short lived as I found that the power I sought was flimsy. Losing hope sent me on a downward spiral where I found myself wanting to end it all via suicide. But Life had other plans for me. As I was rescued and put into a psychiatric hospital I heard a voice that shifted my perspective on life radically.